The day I got those Ebiten Shrimp is the end of June, 6/29. It takes about 4 month, for my first batch juvenile Ebitens to grow up, mature, berry,, and the F1 to grow up and mature. There are F1s with ovary. And they [...]
It is all about snails '\@
Apple Snail - Pink Pearl Ramshorn"Very nice and cute color&shape apple snail!"Orange Eyed Magenta/Briggs/Snail"those are realy big guys, lo [...]
Painted Color --- Crystal Red Shrimp
Not only fire red shrimp has painted color, which is painted fire red shrimp. Crystal red shrimp does, too.Photo resource: coolshrimp. [...]
Flower Head -- Ebiten PRL Crystal Red Shrimp F1
Juvenile Ebitem Crystal Red Shrimplets
Juvenile Ebiten Crystal Red Shrimp Available now!!I use Ebiten Shrimp Bacter to feed them, A highly recommended product for them..... perfect matc [...]
Action End "MUST SEE Wine Red King Kong Available on auction"
Wine Red King KongAvailable on action: [...]