"Hinomaru Bento" 日の丸弁当 is a newly developed diet based on a essential nutrients required by crustaceans.
Weight: 40g
Price: $27.00
Contact: dreamer_yoyo@hotmail.com
Shrimp Guard developeb by Kyushu Medical. It aims at improving resistance to infection. Through tests done by Ebita Breed, the product is prove to be effective for infectious discorder.
Conclusion: Ebita Breed Hino Bento helps shrimps grow faster and mature faster, and it increases shrimps' resistency.
Here is my vedio of feeding Ebita Breed, shrimps love it:
Weight: 40g
Price: $27.00
Contact: dreamer_yoyo@hotmail.com
Some important ingredients that make Hino Bento Special:
Phospholipid an essential constituent for ovarian maturation & known as energy to utlizie for growth induction and molting.
Animal Cholesterol allows a molting hormone secretion and generation of vitamin D6, which is stimulate the ecdysis behavior.
Vitamin C & DHA increase tolerabce of stress and tempurature. This product contains APM which is less suseptible to heat, vitamin C added to food, can be detained as much as possible.
Chlorella it is only 1/100 size of spirulina, while it contains an unusually high amount of protein. Shrimp Guard developeb by Kyushu Medical. It aims at improving resistance to infection. Through tests done by Ebita Breed, the product is prove to be effective for infectious discorder.
Conclusion: Ebita Breed Hino Bento helps shrimps grow faster and mature faster, and it increases shrimps' resistency.
Here is my vedio of feeding Ebita Breed, shrimps love it:
And this is vedio from youtube by ebitabreed:
Comparison of Ebita Breed and Shirakura
Ingredient of Ebita Breed: Soy bean powder, Squid Oil powder, Shrimp meal, Fish meal, Seaweed powder, Brewery yeast, Wheat, gluten meal, Chlorella, Vitamin C, Calcium lactate, Calcium phosphate
Main ingredient of Shirakura: Main ingredients: Kale, various kinds of seaweed, spirulina, chlorella, natural vitamins and minerals, calcium enriched.
Shirakura is mainly a herbal product, while Ebita Breed has a better balance between herbal and animal protein, Shrimps are omnivores and as such they need both herbal and animal proteins. They usually find animal protein from mostly invisible microorganisms and microbes in the environment surround. But the precondition is that it a "RICH" environment, full of nutrients.
I feed blood worm sometimes, it helps shrimps grow faster. And shrimps are crazy for them. But a great disadvantage of feeding bloodworm is the potential unknown factors of water condition change, which could properly lead to the failure of the tank. Ebita Breed Hino Bento is a great solution to that, in my experience.
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